Knee Pain Problem Solve

1. Overuse and Tendonitis
When a tendon around the knee gets irritated and inflamed from constant, repetitive use, it'll start to hurt. The affected area will usually swell, or a lump will develop along the tendon. Another sign: The pain in the area will increase when you move or flex the knee.
Knee Pain Problem Solve

Try this: You can reduce the inflammation and consequently relieve the pain by resting and applying ice to the knee. Dr. Weiss also recommends eccentric exercises, like hamstring drops. Kneel on the floor with your feet underneath the couch to keep them in place (you should be facing away from the couch), then lean your torso toward the ground slowly.

2. Biomechanics
Bad form while performing any physical act can cause both acute and chronic injuries. From walking to resistance training, proper form and technique are key to preventing stress and strain on the joints. If you normally don't experience knee pain but begin to at some point during your workout, check your form. The knee should not cave in or go over the toe when you're doing lunges and squats.

Try this: Stretch the muscle involved and perform non-weight-bearing AROM (active range of motion) exercises. Example: Sit on a chair and raise your knee up to your chest, release, and repeat with the other knee. If pain persists, ice, rest, and revisit.

3. Cartilage Pain
When people talk about torn cartilage in the knee, they're usually referring to a torn meniscus. Meniscal injuries are among the most common causes of knee pain among active people and can occur during any activity in which you forcefully twist or rotate the knee. Symptoms include clicking, popping, or snapping deep inside the knee. This usually happens from starting, stopping, and changing position fast, or simply from a sharp change in direction. It can also happen if you squat too low or get up from a chair in a weird way, says Weiss.

Try this: After a suspected meniscus injury, ice it immediately. You may need to see your doctor to determine whether you need a MRI. The MRI will not only confirm a tear but will let you know if the injury needs to be treated conservatively or not. Once given the okay to exercise, strengthen and stabilize the knee with standing leg raises, hamstring curls, and heel raises. You'll want to avoid full-knee extension type moves following an injury as they can further stress the already damaged joints.

4. Stretched Ligament
After a ligament is stretched, attenuated, or sprained, it doesn't return to the normal shape and tightness. This makes the knee joint unstable. When you suffer a ligament injury, like that of the ACL, a huge amount of swelling can develop, causing further dysfunction.

Try this: RICE is in order: rest, ice , compression, and elevation. Bracing is best for this injury.

5. Muscle Pain
Straining or tearing a muscle around the knee joint will cause pain in that area and will usually call attention to a specific spot on the muscle belly or musculotendinous junction. If you pull or strain the hamstrings, groin, or quads, it will most likely cause pain around the knee.

Try this: The best treatment for acute muscle pain would be cryotherapy initially, then moving toward heat and gentle stretching.

6. Arthritis
Overtime, cartilage that covers the long bones (called hyaline cartilage—it's different from fibrocartilage/meniscus) gets worn away, causing pain deep in the knee. Normal wear and tear is to be expected, but when someone experiences weight fluctuations or obesity, arthritis can happen earlier and advance to a greater degree.

Try this: The treatment of choice for any joint arthritis is heat or contrast bath, aquatic therapy, and gentle range of motion exercises (exploring the full movement potential of a joint). Avoid full extension on those ROM exercises.(source fitnessmagazine)

Neck Pain Problem Slove

so many of us gazing into computers or staring down at our smart phones most of the day, it’s no wonder data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that nearly 20 percent of us hav
neck pain
neck pain
e experienced neck pain within the past three months.

A stiff neck typically is the result of muscles weakening over time from poor posture or misuse, says chiropractor Andrew Bang, DC, of Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Integrative Medicine.

Looking down at your computer monitor all day can cause the muscles around the neck joints to tire and become overstretched. Driving for long periods of time or looking at your smart phone can have the same effect. If you’re doing this day after day, it can add up and can displace your neck joints.

“When your neck muscles become weak and you try to turn your head, the joint no longer moves smoothly because it’s now out of place,” Dr. Bang says. “Often the joint catches on something, either pulling a muscle or hitting the nerve irregularly, or maybe both. Then you’ll have instant pain and your body has a protective spasm. Your body doesn’t want you to get hurt more, so it will clench, causing you to feel like you can’t even move — and leaving you wondering what you did to injure yourself.”

Stretching can keep pain at bay
Putting your monitor at eye level, sitting up straight and avoiding tilting and twisting your head down or to the side while you’re on the computer can help you avoid neck pain. When you’re driving or looking at your smart phone, be sure to take frequent breaks and avoid having your neck bent forward for long periods of time, Dr. Bang says.

The key to relief for a stiff neck is proper stretching and manipulation, Dr. Bang says. Here are some stretches you can try at your desk or in the car that may help you to avoid a stiff neck:

Roll your shoulders backwards and down 10 times
Squeeze your shoulder blades together 10 times
Push your head backwards into your car head rest or hands and hold for 30 seconds
Bring your ear to your shoulder 10 times on each side
Take care when you sleep
Dr. Bang says if your neck is bothering you, you also should pay attention to your sleep positions. Sleep only on your side or on your back – never on your stomach, he says.

“When you sleep on your stomach, often you will end up twisting your head one way or the other for hours at a time,” Dr. Bang says. “Sleeping on your stomach also can affect your low back because your belly sinks in to the bed if you don’t have enough support.”

For minor, common causes of neck pain, try these simple remedies:

Apply heat or ice to the painful area. Use ice for the first 48 to 72 hours, then use heat after that. Heat may be applied with warm showers, hot compresses or a heating pad. Be sure not to fall asleep with a heating pad or ice bag in place to avoid skin injuries.
Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Keep moving, but avoid jerking or painful activities. This helps calm your symptoms and reduce inflammation.
Do slow range-of-motion exercises, up and down, side to side, and from ear to ear. This helps to gently stretch the neck muscles.
Have a partner gently massage the sore or painful areas.
Try sleeping on a firm mattress without a pillow or with a special neck pillow.
Ask your health care provider about using a soft neck collar to relieve discomfort. Do not use the collar for a long time. Doing so can make your neck muscles weaker.
If the pain gets in the way of your daily activities, Dr. Bang says to call your doctor.

Back Pain problem gone

Back Pain Relief,soothe back pain,medicine for back pain,relief from back pain,avoiding back pain,back pain relief,quit smoking,
Back Pain problem slove

The back plays a large role in most physical activity. When there is pain in the back, however minor, it can have a profoundly negative impact on our daily lives. There are many type of back pain. Symptoms can range from muscle stiffness to sharp jabbing pain.

What Happens With Back Pain?
The back is made up of four primary tissues; muscle, bone (vertebrae), shock-absorbing disks and nerves. Nerves come out of the spinal cord. The cord is protected by a boney canal that runs through the vertebrae. It's the main pathway for sending messages to and from the brain to all parts of the body. Most back pain can be traced to a problem with one of these parts of the back. Rare cases of back pain can be due to infection or other disease.

Causes of Back Pain
There are many types of causes of back pain. It's important to know the specific cause of back pain in order to determine the proper treatment.

Injury. The most common cause of back pain is injury to the muscle and ligaments that surround and connect the bones and disks. It can be due to over-exertion, heavy lifting, sudden movements, or falls or blows to the body.

Slipped Disk. This happens when one of the soft disks between the vertebrae extends out over the edge. In some cases, the nerve is pressed right up against bone. This is called a pinched nerve.

Arthritis. Some forms of arthritis cause the disks to lose the ability to absorb shock. This causes the bones to rub together causing pain. That friction can cause the bones to grow extensions called bone spurs. These spurs may cause even more pain.

Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a loss of bone mass that causes the bones to become brittle. In people with osteoporosis, small breaks or collapse can occur in the weakened bone. These are called compression fractures, and can be very painful.

Sciatica. This occurs when a pinched nerve in the back causes a sharp pain radiating down the legs. A pinched nerve in the neck can cause sharp pain in the arms.

Fibromyalgia. This is a muscular skeletal condition that causes pain in many areas of the body, including the back.

Referred Pain. Sometimes pain you feel in the back may originate in another part of the body. For example, a kidney infection, called pyelonephritis, or even kidney stones can cause severe pain low back or groin. Gallbladder disease can cause shoulder pain.

Pregnancy. The back muscles compensate for the extra weight of the baby. It helps to know that most women say this pain goes away almost immediately after the baby is born.

Preventing Back Pain
Back pain can happen to anyone, but you may be at more risk if you do a lot of heavy lifting and physical work. Here are steps to prevent back pain.

Exercise. This will help strengthen and build endurance in the muscles that line the back, and torso. These core muscles act as a natural support system for the back, and the stronger they are, the better the support will be. Weight training will also help improve strength and support.
Lose Weight. Shedding extra pounds will help lighten the load your back has to carry everyday.
Practice Good Posture. If you're standing for long periods of time, shift your weight from one leg to the other. If you can, place one leg on a footrest. While sitting, use a good chair with armrests. It may also be helpful to keep a rolled towel, or small pillow between your lower back and the chair for support. Make sure to keep your knees and hips level.
Lift The Smart Way. When lifting something heavy, squat down then stand up holding the object. This forces you to do more of the work with you legs versus putting strain on your back. Keep your back straight, and find someone to help if you can.
Sleep On Your Side. Use pillows that support your head, neck. You can even try a pillow under your knees for support.

When to See the Doctor
Most forms of back pain should begin to go away after a few days of treatment. You should see a doctor if the pain lasts longer than 72 hours, or you experience any of the following symptoms:

Constant pain, especially pain that worsens when lying down
Pain that moves into one or both legs
Feelings of numbness, tingling, or weakness of a limb
Pain that follows a traumatic injury
Bowel or bladder problems that develop along with back pain
Unexplained weight loss
Treating Back Pain

Before prescribing treatment, your doctor will take a careful history and examine you. Occasionally some routine tests are used to determine the source of your pain. These may include an X-Ray or MRI, which will help your doctor find the right treatment for you. Here are some common treatment options:

Non-Medication Options
Physical Therapy. The plan may include stretching and exercises you can do with a therapist, or at home. This can last a few weeks, or a few months.
Cold or Hot Compresses. Cold compresses help to reduce swelling while hot compresses help stimulate circulation in the area of pain.
Limited Bed Rest. Your doctor may recommend some time at rest, but it's important not to stay in bed too long. Too much bed rest can actually worsen back pain and make you weaker.
Medication Options

Over-The-Counter. These include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin.
Antibiotics. These may be prescribed if your back pain is caused by an infection.
Stronger Back Pain Medications. These can include pills to relax muscles and decrease inflammation and pain. An epidural is an injection in the back used to relieve some types of severe back pain. These usually involve anesthetics and steroids.

Surgery Options
If your back pain persists and these methods aren't working, you may be referred to an orthopedist or neurosurgeon. He or she may recommend surgery, but usually after all other treatments have failed to stop the pain.

Laminotomy. During this procedure, the doctor will remove a small portion of the vertebrae bone. This relieves pressure on the nerve from a bulging or herniated disk. In some cases a portion of the disk may be removed.
Laminectomy. During this surgery a large portion of the vertebrae is removed. Typically the part removed has grown bone spurs, which irritate the nerve and cause pain.
Fusion Surgery. This type of surgery permanently joins two or more vertebrae to limit painful movements.
IDET, or Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy. This treatment uses a hot needle to seal off any bulging or fluid leaks in the disks between vertebrae.
Remember that most back pain will go away after a few days of treatment, but always listen to your body and speak to your doctor if you have questions.

Legs Pain Relief

Legs are the important part of your body. They bear the weight and enables persons to move. So legs are made stringer than the hands by default. Leg pain is a common problem among individuals across the world.
Legs Pain Relief

More often, we witness elderly people complaining about leg pain. But undesirable lifestyle has also resulted into leg pain among youngsters. Leg pain is caused due to body weakness over muscles strain, long standing hours and arthritis. This pain can occur in knees, legs and other parts of the legs.

Drink plenty of water and take a food with high calcium and potassium contents.
Drink plenty of water

Apply ice or a cold pack to the area where the leg pains are. Ice works by numbing the are.It is advisable to do some leg stretching exercise that will improve your blood circulation and give you relieve from leg pain.relieve from leg pain
While taking bath pouring of lukewarm water on the legs would be really beneficial.Avoid high heels as there are chances to slip and so to twist your legs.
Avoid high heels

Mix turmeric powder, lime juice and salt and make a fine paste. Apply this paste on your affected areas. It will give you quick relief from pain and help to remove the leg pain.Daily massage your legs, this will surely help you in overcoming leg pain.Take balanced diet including green vegetables, carrots, sugarcane, banana etc.Protect your legs from cold and so wearing skirts and shorts those exposes legs are not advisable in extreme winter.

Losing Weight Without Dieting

1.Don't Skipping Breakfast will not help you lose weight. Instead, people who skip out on breakfast usually find themselves eating more during the day because that missed breakfast has left them hungrier. Skipping breakfast also has the undesired effect of sapping your energy and thereby affecting other areas of your life like job performance. So, instead of skipping breakfast altogether, try eating a something light like a bowl of whole grain cereal with some fruit on top. You’ll feel more energized and the healthy breakfast will help you lose weight.
Losing Weight Without Dieting

2.One of the easiest ways to nullify all the hard work you’ve done throughout the day is going on late-night raids to the refrigerator. So, set a time for when you will cut off eating for the day, say, after you brush your teeth at night. If you feel you must have an after dinner desert, make it something light like a cup of low fat yogurt, a banana or an apple.
Avoiding late-night snacks is very important when it comes to losing weight since you won’t have a chance to work off the extra calories and all the pounds you’ve shed during the day will simply return while you’re sleeping. So, make the kitchen off limits at night.

Helpful To Someone Who Suffered With Paralysis

Umapathi Nagar is a small and beautiful village With greenery and it is very Famous in India for paralysis Ayurveda medicine,its a cool village with out any pollution.
Helpful To Someone Who Suffered With Paralysis

Umapathi Nagar is a small Village/hamlet in Dornipadu Mandal in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It comes under Gundupapala Panchayath. It belongs to Rayalaseema region . It is located 79 KM towards South from District head quarters Kurnool. 14 KM from Dornipadu. 302 KM from Hyderabad 

Umapathi Nagar Pin code is 518134 and postal head office is Koilakuntla . 

Gundupapala ( 4 KM ) , Revanur ( 4 KM ) , W.govindinne ( 6 KM ) , Yalluru ( 6 KM ) , W.kothapalli ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Umapathi Nagar. Umapathi Nagar is surrounded by Dornipadu Mandal towards South , Koilakuntla Mandal towards west , Sirivel Mandal towards East , Banaganapalle Mandal towards west . 

Chapirevula , Banganapalle , Nandyal , Bethamcherla are the nearby Cities to Umapathi Nagar.

HOW TO REACH Umapathi Nagar

By Road

Nandyal is the Nearest Town to Umapathi Nagar. Nandyal is 22 km from Umapathi Nagar. Road connectivity is there from Nandyal to Umapathi Nagar.

By Rail

There is no railway station near to Umapathi Nagar in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Nandyal. are the railway Stations near to Nandyal. You can reach from Nandyal to Umapathi Nagar by road after . How ever Bellary Jn Rail Way Station is major railway station 179 KM near to Umapathi Nagar 

By Bus

Koyalakuntla APSRTC Bus Station , Sirivella Metta APSRTC Bus Station , Banaganapally APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Umapathi Nagar .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here. 




What Happens when you Remove a white hair

What Happens when you Remove a white hair
Nothing happens. Plucking a white hair doesn't result in 2 more growing back in its place.This is just a myth. 
The reason this myth has propagated, I think, is because it might seem to be truth, altough it isn't. When you pluck a white hair, it takes a long time for it to grow back and needs to have a considerable lenght to make it noticeable. During that time more white hair can grow, but that's just because time is passing by and white hair is a result of the aging process. So people wrongly associate the fact that they plucked a white hair with the fact that now they have more white hair. 
This is a logical falacy that states that correlation proves causation, when in fact correlation doesn't imply causation.

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Eye Bags and Wrinkles Gone In Minutes see Left vs Right Eye

    Eye Bags,Wrinkles,remove

    What exactly is this product?

    YES, its Disruptive Technology from USA, to describe the product. Remember when calculator came into market, abacus was phased out or when digital camera was introduced to us, we gradually forget about film, or when computer becomes everyone favorite past-time at work, we dont mention the word "typewrite" again. Folks, this product is definitely a disruptive technology "gem" that is set to take its place among aesthetic miracles. You are only going to hear more of this products and others in the series when it reaches your local market. It is already changing the lives of many who had experienced the truly amazing effects....stay tuned for more.

    Left vs Right Eye - see to believe!

      Any ideal why the product is so wonderful?

      Actually, the revoluntary ingredient is 'Argireline': a pep-tide that works similar to 'BOTOX'. Lets call it "BOTOX without Needles", it works by reviving the skin and minimizes fine lines appearance, diminishes skin pores improving the complexion for a flawless finish.

      Are there any known side effects?

      The product originates from USA and is already cleared for sale to people. It is certified safe to use by local health authorities in 116 countries worldwide. There are no known side effects. But for some people with allergic reactions to skin products, it is recommended that they use a small amount on the back of their hand first before application. Not too many we believe, however, there are always exception to the rule, especially if one is sensitive to cosmetic products.

      How do I use the product step-by-step?

      1) Tear at the corner of the sachet and squeeze a small amount onto your finger tip (0.3cm thick). 2) Dap the cream onto the desired area such as sagging eye bag area or fine lines/winkles. Dont dap it until its completely dried up. 3) Where possible, try to "fan" the area of application to aid its effects. The cream works deep into the skin to achieve the most effects. 4) Immediately, you should feel some moisture upon application (thats normal). Within 1-2 minutes, you will see a marked difference in your facial appearance.

      I am still skeptical, is the product really so great to remove my aged old eye bags?

      My dear, in life things are fair I suppose. Doctors spend years to obtain their professional qualification so that they perform aesthetic treatment on you with a heftier price tag, e.g. removal of eye bag, fine lines, botox treatment etc.. While our product cant be expected to work equally well as such medical steps, you will witness a world of improvement in minutes after one application; albeit for up to 8 to 10 hours. However, it going to be "life saver" especially for that blind-date session, or for meeting that someone special whom you have been eyeing for some time....bottom-line is look your best and rise to the occasion!! The star ingredient enter the skin to work its magic to bring about an improved skin condition but subsequently the effects will fade off. Still, it is definitely worth its ridiculous low price, isnt it?

      How can I order this Disruptive Technology?

      Dear, you may click on the links appended to bring up the 'PayPal' page for payment. After received, we will ship over the product internationally to most places unless it some hidden caves or tunnel hideout (guess not). Give us a few working days (say 7-10 days) to get things sorted out and you can expect a little miracle in your mailbox soon. In line with the vision to bring a better lifestyle to discerning people, we have started a great campaign for this product. Get your set of 1 sachet to begin, and if you like what it is, come back for a set of 5 or 10....but wait we will slash the price by half just for you.

How to increase Insulin production

how to increase insulin production
Seeds of mustard plant are rich source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. Along with this, it is a good source of dietary folate and vitamin A. Mustard greens or leaves of mustard plants are excellent source of essential minerals including potassium, calcium and phosphorous.

what to do when snake bite

First Aid & Treatment

Snake venom is actually a kind of highly evolved salivary secretion which is used to both kill and digest prey. Venom was not made against man. There are two basic types of snake venom. One affects the nerves (venom of cobra and common krait); the other one blood (that of vipers). Polyvalent anti-venom serum is effective against the bites of the Big Four – cobra, saw-scaled viper, common krait, Russell's viper. If a venomous snake bites someone, just remember two things: don't panic; go to a hospital and get anti-venom serum.
snake bite,

1.Keep the victim calm, restrict movement. 

2.Assure the victim and do not let him panic. When under panic, it will enhance heart rate and would circulate the venom faster in the body. 

3.Remove any rings or constricting items; the affected area may swell. 

4.Stop lymphatic spread of venom - bandage firmly, splint and immobilise. The limb, which has been affected by the bite, should be immobilized with splint. Victim to keep the hand as close to the level of the heart as possible - this reduces the flow of venom to major areas. A compression bandage (as firm as you would put on a sprained ankle) should cover the entire limb with the splint. The wrapping should start from the digits and extend till armpit in case of hands and groin in case of bite to the leg. 

5.A snakebite victim is under tremendous psychological stress. It is necessary to keep the patient warm. However, no alcohol/hot beverages should be given. 

6.•The patient should not be allowed to exert himself in any manner. Do not allow the victim to eat or to drink water in order to keep metabolism at low rate. No water No food is the golden rule. 
7.DO NOT COVER THE BITE AREA AND PUNCTURE MARKS. The wound should be gently cleaned with antiseptic. 

8.Try to aspirate the venom out of the puncture marks with standard suction devices. It has been identified that a suction more than 270 mmHg can initiate the flow from the puncture marks. Suction instruments often are included in commercial snakebite kits. But, the suction should be applied within 5 minutes of the bite. 

9.The only remedy for venomous snakebite is the anti-venom serum, which is available at most government hospitals and public health centers. Some private nursing homes have also started stocking it and treat snakebite cases. 

How NOT to Treat Snakebite

1.No ice or any other type of cooling action on the bite. Research has shown it to be potentially harmful. 

2.No electric cable, string or rubber tourniquets to be used, this cuts off blood flow completely and may result in amputation of the affected limb. 

3.No electric shock, this method is under study and has yet to be proven effective. It could harm the victim. 

4.No incision in the bite site. Such measures have NOT been proven useful and causes needless additional injury, loss of blood, infection, waste of time. 

5.Do not burn the wound, as it would not have any effect on the venom, which has already entered the bloodstream. 

6.Do not suck the wound with mouth. A suction device may be applied over the bite to help draw venom out of wound without making cuts. 

7.Potassium permanganate should never be used.

Know About Snakebite

1.All snakes are not venomous – so every snakebite is not going to result in death – it would save people from quacks. And reduce the amount of panic and chaos.

2.Even a venomous bite is not always fatal – because the severity of snakebite depends on many factors like the size of the snake, whether the bite could be completed, whether it was a drybite or not, the age, physique and affected limb of the victim.

3.First Aid would enable a person to buy more time to reach medical aid on time.

4.The only cure which is available is anti-venom serum injection and not quacks.

5.First Aid - if not done properly could cause more harm than benefit.

How to Prevent a Snake Bite

1.Any unknown snake is potentially dangerous; do not play, avoid any contact with any snake including those of small size, baby, lethargic, dead. A cut off head can keep poisonous activities for several minutes. Make yourself familiar with the description of poisonous snakes in the place where you live. 

2.Use torchlight at night – all local poisonous snakes are active in the evening and at night. Pay more attention in the forest, close to bushes, tall plants, etc. 

3.Snakes usually don't bite you without alarm:  
Cobra – lifts vertically front part of the body (1/3), opens hood, makes hiss, rushes to the aim. 

4.Vipers - make a spiral from a tail, bend like zigzag front part of the body, and make a strong hiss. 

5.If you meet a snake, go back slowly, don't do sudden movements, do not turn your back to the snake, do not run, and give the possibility for a snake to go away 


1.Never try to assess whether it was venomous snakebite or not. As a layman one should treat every snakebite as venomous snakebite, as some snake venom (like that of common krait) does not show immediate effect even in the case of a serious bite, it is wise to rush to a hospital.

2.Not all bites from venomous snakes lead to death; many venomous snakes (and as many as 85% of snakes are non venomous) deliver only a dry bite to humans. Even in the case of a full bite, with appropriate first-aid, care and treatment a snakbite victim can fully recover. Very few venomous snakebites are fatal. Just as every mosquito bite does not cause malaria, so every snakebite does not cause death.

3.No attempt should be made to kill the snake to carry it along to the hospital. It would result in delaying the arrival of the patient to the hospital and is potentially dangerous for the person who will attempt killing the snake. Qualified doctor can diagnose observing the patient for clinical symptoms and pathologial tests.(source auroville)

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if you eat this kidney will never damaged

Know that there are lots of super foods, containing antioxidants and other health-supporting properties, included in the kidney diet. People with kidney disease experience more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without kidney problems. If you have kidney disease, it's important that you consult a renal dietitian and follow a kidney diet. Including super foods in your kidney diet eating plan can help you increase your intake of nutrients and antioxidants.
Here’s a list of the top 15 kidney-friendly super foods. These foods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease

1. Red bell peppers
Red bell peppers for kidney

2. Cabbage
Cabbage for kidney

3. Cauliflower
Cauliflower for kidney

4. Garlic
Garlic for kidney

5. Onion
Onion for kidney

6. Apples
Apples for kidney

7. Cranberries
cranberries for kidney

8. Blueberries
Blueberries for kidney

9. Raspberries
Raspberries for kidney

10. Strawberries
Strawberries for kidney

11. Cherries

12. Red grapes

13. Egg whites

14. Fish

15. Olive oil

Drink Lemon Water Every Day For 2 Weeks To See Health Benefits

Humans have been experimenting with tonics since the beginning of time. From the fountain of youth to alkaline water to kale juice, we’re always searching for that magic potion that will restore health and wellness, ward off illness, and make us look and feel 10 years younger. But what if that potion isn’t so mysterious? What if it’s just… lemon water? 
Drink Lemon Water Every Day For 2 Weeks To See Health Benefits
Lemon Water  Health Benefits

Lemon water has been touted as a health and wellness aid for years by some MDs, clean living advocates, and, of course, celebs like Gwyneth Paltrow. And unlike packaged juice cleanses that supposedly brighten your skin and age you backwards, lemon water won’t break the bank. It’s cheap, it’s easy, and it seems safe (as long as you don’t try to exist on lemon water alone)—but does it really work wonders?

Some proponents of lemon water claim that it aids digestion, detoxifies the liver, erases age spots, speeds up your metabolism, helps with depression and anxiety, relieves heartburn, wards off cancer, and reduces inflammation. I was skeptical that it could do all those things, but I figured if it does even a few it would be pretty great.

I’ve had lemon water here and there over the years, of course, but I decided to drink two cups a day for two weeks to see if it would have any noticeable impact.

How to reduce Respiratory problems

There is no sure way to prevent respiratory illnesses. To help reduce your risk:
Respiratory problems

Wash your hands often, especially when you are around people with colds.
Keep your hands away from your nose, eyes, and mouth. These are the places where viruses are most likely to enter your body.
Do not smoke or use other tobacco products. Smoking irritates the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses, and lungs, which may make them more susceptible to infections. For more information, see the topic Quitting Smoking.
If you live in an area that has problems with air pollution or smoke from wildfires:
Stay indoors and avoid breathing in smoke, ashes, or polluted air.
Do not exercise outdoors if you smell smoke or notice irritation of your eyes, nose, or throat.
Keep your motor vehicle windows rolled up and the vents closed when driving.
Avoid cleanup activities, such as raking leaves or cutting brush.
Avoid exposure to chemicals. Do not spray or apply chemicals unless you are wearing protective clothing, such as a particle-filtering respirator, safety goggles, and gloves.
Exercise regularly. For more information, see the topic Fitness: Getting and Staying Active.
Get a flu shot (influenza vaccine) each year. For more information, see the topic Influenza (Seasonal Flu).
Get a pneumococcal shot if you have chronic lung disease, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); if you smoke; or if you have a health risk that increases the seriousness of your symptoms. If you are age 65 or older, it is recommended you get two different types of pneumococcal vaccines.
Make sure your immunizations are current, such as pertussis to reduce your risk of getting whooping cough. (source webmd)

Top 10 Reasons For Hair Loss in Women

Top 10 reasons for hair loss in womenA woman’s body goes through a lot of changes through her entire course of life. These changes can at times be a contributing factor in hair loss. But in order to treat this problem, we first need to figure out the root cause of it so that the apt treatment method can be suggested. We list 10 common reasons for hair loss in females.

#1 Bad hair etiquette
Excessive use of hairstyling tools like strengtheners and curling iron or hair products like gels, mousse, sprays, colours, etc. can damage
the hair shaft and prolonged usage can hamper its growth. Tight ponytails, wrong combs, parting your hair, can further aggravate the condition. According to trichologist Dr Apoorva Shah, even excessive colouring can lead to hair loss. Can shampoo cause hair loss? Click here to find out.
In this condition, male hormones or androgens are secreted in excess and they form small fluid-like sacs in the ovaries which are known as cysts. It is due to hormonal imbalances in your body which negatively affects your hair growth as well. While you may notice more hair growth on your body, it can trigger hair fall from your scalp. Read more…
#3 Anemia
Anemia is a result of low iron intake in one’s diet. Many women may be anemic due to heavy menstruation or inadequate folic acid in their body. This results in low production of hemoglobin which means less oxygen to your organs. When oxygen does not reach your hair follicles, they tend to be weak and break easily. This results in hair fall. Here are 10 tips to beat this.
#4 Menopause
A lot of changes take place in a woman’s body once she hits menopause and one of them can be hair fall. This is because estrogen hormone levels are low in the body. They can make the hair dry and also cause hair loss if due care isn’t taken. It is essential to use mild shampoos and condition your mane as well as eat right. Here are a few remedies you could try.
#5 Labour
Many women experience hair fall after their delivery. This is because, during pregnancy, there is a peak in the hormone estrogen so you can expect a full head of hair. But once the baby is delivered, hormones go back to their normal phase which may result in hair falling out at once. But this is a temporary phase and hair growth returns to normal after a few weeks.
#6 Protein deficiency
Our hair is made of a protein called keratin. When we do not eat protein-rich foods, it depletes from our body making the hair brittle. This leads to weak strands which fall prematurely. Here are a few essential nutrients you need to eat to prevent hair fall.
#7 Medications
Women who are on birth control pills can have side-effects like hair fall if they abruptly stop using them. Other hormonal pills and therapies can have a similar effect. Chemotherapy sessions also result in hair loss. Here are 5 methods to combat hair loss after chemotherapy. 
#8 Extreme weight loss
Crash dieting and losing a lot of weight suddenly or too quickly can adversely affect the growth of your hair. This is because, usually these diets deprive your body of essential nutrients or put a ban on eating certain food groups which then impact your hair growth.
#9 Medical illnesses like thyroid disease, autoimmune disease
Thyroid is responsible for secreting triiodothyronine and thyroxine hormones which are needed for proper growth and development of our body. When a person suffers from hypo or hyperthyroidism, there is excess or low secretion of these hormones which can lead to deficiencies if not treated on time. Hair loss is one of the complications due to various changes taking place in your body. In an autoimmune disease, our body creates antibodies against our own cells and tissues. They attack hair as well as other organs resulting in hair loss.
#10 Any acute or chronic medical conditions
Conditions like diabetes, psoriasis are also responsible for loss of hair. Diabetes negatively affects the body’s circulatory system. This means that less amount of nutrients and oxygen reach the upper and the lower extremities of the body i.e. the feet and the scalp areas. If diabetes is causing poor blood circulation to the scalp, the hair follicles will die resulting in hair loss. Psoriasis is a skin disease which also affects the scalp and hair follicles.

While shedding of 60-100 strands every day is the norm, anything more than that over a period of time can cause hair loss. If you notice this, it is best to get yourself checked for any underlying condition which could be causing your hair fall. Here are 20 treatment options to combat hair loss.